Abolition 2000 is a worldwide network working for a global treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons.

Conference Report

Freedom from Nuclear Weapons through Legal Accountability and Good Faith

6 - 7 July 2006 Brussels

Download the report


Trident Ploughshares action Camp, Scotland, 29/7-12/8:

Posted by Abolition, 14th Jul 2006 | Category: Events
Protesters Gather at Sharp End of Trident Debate

From 29th July to 12th August anti-Trident protesters will gather for a disarmament camp
at Peaton Wood on Loch Long, just half a mile away from RNAD Coulport where nuclear
warheads are stored and loaded onto Trident submarines.

Through a series of events in Europe from 2 to 7 July 2006 the “Good Faith
Delegation” launched the second phase of the 2020 Vision Campaign of the Mayors for
Peace.  Events in Great Britain provided a ‘preview’ of the new phase; the formal
launch took place in Holland; and activities in Belgium got phase two underway.  This
report covers the work of the Delegation under the leadership of the Mayor of Hiroshima,
Tadatoshi Akiba, President of Mayors for Peace. (More)

Trident is evil and against God, bishops warn Blair

Posted by Abolition, 11th Jul 2006 | Category: Nuclear Weapon News
Nineteen bishops have joined the row over the replacement of Britain's nuclear weapons by warning the Prime Minister that the possession of Trident is "evil" and "profoundly anti-God".

(From: The Independent)

An End to U.S. Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe?

Posted by Abolition, 10th Jul 2006 | Category: Nuclear Weapon News

"Over the next several years, a number of European NATO members involved in nuclear sharing arrangements have to decide whether to replace aging fighter aircraft capable of delivering nuclear weapons, commonly known as “dual-capable aircraft.” Amid budget pressures and growing public concern, some key groups are beginning to balk. These concerns come as NATO is expected to update the 1999 Strategic Concept, including a possible revision of its nuclear doctrine."

From: Arms Control Today, July/August 2006


Today, 8th July 2006, is exactly 10 years since the International Court of Justice in the Hague, the highest court in the world, issued an advisory opinion on the question: “Are nuclear weapons in contravention of International Law?”
For the past 10 years it has been clear that all existing nuclear weapons are illegal. However, there are still United States nuclear weapons based in Belgium, at the NATO airbase of Kleine Brogel.


Two Green women Members of the European Parliament, Caroline Lucas (UK) and Angelika Beer (Germany) have submitted an excellent Written Declaration on the Withdrawal of US nuclear weapons from European territory before the end of 2006.

The Written Declaration 0047/2006 has been translated into all of the languages of the EU, can be downloaded here:

Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Polish, Portugal, Slovakian, Slovenian, Swedish (.doc files, 30k)

You can also download a standard letter, that Greenpeace is sending to all MEPs in the NATO nuclear sharing countries, and other offices where they have a presence.
However, the call needs to be much much broader than from just Greenpeace, and we really hope you can help to contact your MEP!

Download the standard letter here.

The timing of this is important, as Written Declarations are "live" for only 3 months and require half of the MEPs to sign on before they become an official resolution. The declaration will expire at the end of the
European Parliament's Plenary Session on 11 and 12 October.

Find contact details for your MEP:

List of MEPS who already signed (More)

Final Statement of Nuclear Weapons Working Group at the World Peace Forum in Vancouver for inclusion in the final forum document

(World Peace Forum)
