Abolition 2000 is a worldwide network working for a global treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons.

BISCAROSSE, France, Sept 23, 2006 (AFP) - More than 1,000 French anti-nuclear protestors demonstrated at a military centre in western France on Saturday at their country's plans to test a new M51 ballistic missile.
The demonstrators, dressed as yellow missiles, stated that plans to test it at the centre near Biscarosse in the Bay of Biscay were in stark contradiction with France's role in pressuring Iran over its nuclear programme.
39 activists from England, Scotland, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany, managed to gain access to the base in order to carry out an inspection of the base.

Map obtained by inspectors: high resolution, lower resolution


This is a list of the MEPs who signed the European Parliament Written Declaration on US nukes in Europe.

More info on the declaration

Find contact details for your MEP:


MEPs heard on Thursday from a variety of experts, EU officials
and civil society representatives on the threats facing the nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The public hearing, organised by the
Subcommittee on Security and Defence, addressed both the general
prospects for non-proliferation as well as the specific threat to the
NPT regime by Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Speeches (.doc or .pdf files):
Janet Bloomfield, Annalisa Giannella, Dr. Pierre Goldschmidt, Dr Bernd
W. Kubbig
, Lars-Erik Lundin, Prof. William C. Potter, Dr Stephen Pullinger, Dr Bruno Tertrais


Three Trident Ploughshares peace activists were found guilty in Derby Magistrates court today for blockading the entrance to Rolls Royce Raynesway. They were each given £250 fine and £400 court costs.


Central Asia declares nuclear free zone

Posted by Abolition, 8th Sep 2006 | Category: Treaties and Parliaments News
SEMIPALATINSK, Kazakhstan (Reuters) - The five ex-Soviet republics of Central Asia signed a treaty on Friday declaring a "nuclear-weapon-free zone" but the world's Western nuclear powers declined to lend their weight to it. (More)

Ride to Incirlik US nuclear bomb base in Turkey

Posted by Abolition, 3rd Sep 2006 | Category: Action/Campaign News

More photos

A group of 15 young people from different cities of Turkey began a bike tour from the door of Ýncirlik Air Base on Wednesday 23 August 2006. They organizeted an anti-nuclear, anti military bases bike travel across Turkey.

They protested US expansion policies and military domination over country. They pointed over the point that the presence of military bases, militarizaion of the societies are used to secure US and military products corporations interest at the cost of democracy, peace and justice. They said “Nuclear weapons in Ýncirlik should be taken out of the country. Turkey and Middle East countries are concerned over the existence of these weapons.
