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Make a secure online donation via PayPal:
Send a cheque, payable to "World Court Project UK" to:
67 Summerheath Rd, Hailsham Sussex, BN27 3DR, England
Transfer money to (UK) account number 31349511, sort code 40-23-01
From outside the UK:
IBAN GB57MIDL40230131349511
Translate the affirmation
Please help us to spread the campaign, by translating the affirmation into more languages.
If you would like to help, please contact: .
Order paper copies of the affirmation
If you would like paper copies of the affirmation to distrubute, please send an email to mentioning the number of copies, the language, and your address.
Link to the declaration
If you would like to link to the affirmation, you can use this image:
If you would like to host the affirmation on your website, please contact: to discuss how to set this up.
Adapt the affirmation for your own organisation
Please feel free to change the affirmation for use with your own organisation. You can change the contact details, and use any money that you raise with the affirmations for your own anti-nuclear campaigns.
If you would like a copy of the affirmation (in your own language) in Word format, so you can change the contact details, please email: .
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The World Court Project is an international citizens' network working to publicise and have implemented the 8 July 1996 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal status of the threat or use of nuclear weapons.